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In Your Future

AquaStone Trading
Crypto Support & Training
Forex Investment Broker
Mobile & WhatsApp: 406.548.1678

Aqua Stone Trading - About
The Global Currency Reset is coming, learn how to sow into Fields of Multiplication that will replace Bitcoin. The Quantum Financial System has been built and is being linked as Block Chain Technology and The Top 20 Digital Assets that are hidden can be found and stored safely with Cold Storage Devices so you can leverage 1000 fold returns in the Great coming Wealth Transfer that some will call a Crash of the US Dollar but we call Opportunities of Generational Wealth Building by Procurement. Leverage this opportunity and take our course to learn how to buy and sell and trade and store up that which will change your life and protect you from the coming storms. Thrive as others sit idly and just survive. Be Bold and Plant before the Bull Market Explodes ushering in the QFS and New Digital Currency Monetary System. We look forward to assisting you in one of our Crypto Currency Training Sessions, or individual one on one instruction on phone or video training.


Contact us now to prepare for this opportunity of a lifetime.


Everything is about to change in Banking and how money is transferred between Governments, Mega Corporations, Businesses and Person to Person. We are on the cusp of a Global Currency Reset and YOU can harvest considerable wealth with small amounts of money planted in fields that are Poised and Primed to Explode just like Bitcoin did in 2011, Ford in 1903, Microsoft and Apple in the 80s and 90s. We at AquaStoneTrading are here to help you learn how to buy Digital Assets, share what we hold, and why. Then how to safely self custody them offline and in cold storage, so that you can Prosper and Thrive and not just survive the coming financial Storms.

There will be time to invest in Gold and Silver after the Great Wealth Transfer that is going to be like 7 Waves coming over the Economic World. The Financial Landscape changed in 2008 with a crash and reboot. We are on the verge of the Greatest Change in Monetary Methods of Operation that the world has ever seen because it has to be rebooted by a controlled implosion of how The United States Dollar runs the world.

The US Dollar fear mongers call it a crash because they want to put fear in the markets, but at the same time wise powerful people are positioning themselves based on some simple facts they know are taking place behind the scenes and you at this time in history can get into position arming yourself with knowledge of our past and present situation and seeing with new eyes what is coming is quite easy to do with the right glasses of knowledge on.

The Federal Reserve Banking System has Central Banks in almost every nation of the world but a handful, and The United States Dollar was backed by gold and silver until 1971 when President Nixon sent Henry Kissinger to Saudi Arabia to seal a deal to prop the US Dollar up as the Petro Dollar where every nation of the world had to buy US Dollars in order to buy oil. Nixon took The USA off the gold standard and was able to push the World Reserve Currency forward by kicking the can down the road via Printing Fiat money backed by nothing but the faith of the world who was forced to buy dollars to buy oil.

That Old System of the Federal Reserve Note as World Reserve Currency is about to die and a new US Dollar probably called a United States Treasury Note or USN possibly will be birthed to take its place and be backed by precious metals as we move into other forms of money called Crypto Currency or better known as Digital Assets / Currencies that are being engineered to take over all aspects of the World Wide Monetary System.

This situation of Fiat money backed by nothing and printing it to infinity causes the miserable situation we find ourselves in at the supermarket and with housing and cars and everything we buy as inflation rises and the value of our dollar returns to 0 as every fiat money system does within 70 years.  WE believe we can make large amounts of wealth as we sow into the right fields of 1000 fold multiplication which are all set up as we move into the QFS. The Quantum Financial System is being built and ready to be unleashed on a scale that will make more millionaires and billionaires in a short span of the 7 Waves being released, and cause many to be cut down left holding the bag. By not making moves and not educating oneself to  invest in select assets and learn how to become your own bank. The decisions of not moving is a decision not to partake of The Great Wealth Transfer that is now at Hand.

Christine Lagarde was the head of the IMF in 2014 and she marched around the world announcing The coming Global Currency Reset and she taught that every nations' currency would be recalibrated based on what nations had in the ground as assets, but countries like Japan would be given a fair currency value based on their workforce and electronics manufacturing base. In 2017 Donald Trump stood in front of Abe Shinzo, the Prime Minister of Japan, and said to a Chinese reporter that, "Sooner than you think the currencies of the world will be on a more even playing field."

We believe there are ways to profit from both sides of the stick and we will share what we do and you must decide on your own if its right for you as we are not Licensed Financial Advisors. We are Forex and Crypto Traders and Holders of Assets. We believe these assets will harvest into Multi Millions very soon as we move into the new QFS built on Blockchain Technology linking all Crypto Digital Assets together that will run the world. We believe we know which ones they are and why they will rule the Universe and the Metaverse. 


To learn what we believe and why we believe it and how to rightly procure and protect these assets sign up today!!!

Online or in person 1 on 1 Training & Support

Group Seminars in-person Training (in Kansas City MO, or nationwide at additional cost)

Group Virtual Live Workshops


Text or Call us at 406.548.1678 or add us on WhatsApp

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AquaStone Trading - Kansas City, Missouri, USA



Disclosure:  We are not financial advisors and are sharing information about how and what we do with our money. Financial
                advisors are not trained to prepare you for the great financial reset. If you feel led, Be Bold & Prosper!!!
Digital Assets  Training
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